Thursday, October 30, 2008

Worth the Wait

As I stood in line awaiting the opportunity to cast my vote for the next President of the United States, I began reflecting on something that resonated within me spiritually. At the beginning of this week I began assessing the various voting locations and associated wait times in order to decide when and where I would cast my ballot. Being a Cobb County resident, the various early voting locations had waiting times ranging from 2 to 6 hours. Because of the importance of this election, I decided to pick a location, jump in line and wait for 2 hours and 47 minutes until I was able to accomplish my goal. I forfeited my desire for a shortcut and persevered through the twisting and turning of a line containing hundreds of individuals. I was eventually able to accomplish my goal and it was indeed worth the wait.

When you reflect over your life, most things you have achieved came with an associated process. Many of you had to endure 16 years of education in order to achieve our college degree. Many of you had to endure 18 years of life prior to transitioning out of your parent’s house in order to live on your own. Many of the successful marriages you hear about required years of processing in order to achieve a level of harmony and happiness.

What am I trying to say? Many of you are willing to endure some level of discomfort in life in order to achieve goals that are important to you. However, in other areas of life you seek a shortcut to your desired goal. If relationships and marriage are important to you, why would you want to usurp the process in order to engage in one outside of God’s will? If education is important to you, why would you seek a shortcut to avoid the process of learning? If growing spiritually is important to you, how can you justify not reading your Bible and spending time with God daily?

Don’t allow your flesh to convince you to do something that IS NOT in your best interest long-term. Focus solely on the Lord and your priorities will endure the process needed to attain the goals you desire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

KP this is great! There are decisions that I have made in my former relationship that I have certain regrets, however, my childern "quickly" erase this thought process. When my boys reached ages 1 and 3, I attempted a very successful entrepreneurial venture that lasted roughly 5 years. I opted out of completing my traditional education and embarked upon a rewarding careeer that resulted not only profitable wise, but into an awesome ministry! I wanted to fulfill my duties as a wife and mom without a career that took we "far away" from my home responsiblity. Hands down, I am a nurturer and thank God for giving me the ability to have taken on a successful career and fulfill my help meet duties even though that relationship dissolved. When I relocated to Atlanta 8 years ago, my intention was to receive reciprocity in this state and continue on my entrepreneurial path--then the bomb dropped--my lung disease hindered me for continuing on that entrepreneurial path as well as my most recent job assignment. I felt so alone and confused. What was God doing in my life?

It didn't stop there, not only was my health failing, but so was my marriage. I was an emotional rollercoaster well on my way to "pushing up daisies". Oh but wait! God has a different plan. You can see it in my walk, in my smile and hopefully feel it in my spirit! Without him I am nothing--absolutely nothing. He is giving me a vision to return to the midwest and complete my education as my oldest son becomes a new collegian. As I have stated in former blogs, I will go where the Lord leads me! I no longer "beat" myself up about what I "didn't" accomplish but thank God for allowing me to touch so many lives for his glory. We serve an awesome, awesome God......To God be the glory....