Thursday, May 1, 2008

Male Confessions in Miami

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to spend time with my Kappa Alpha Psi line brothers in Miami celebrating our 12-year anniversary. It’s amazing how people from different backgrounds and belief systems can reunite with a central point of commonality (in our case Kappa Alpha Psi). I am so very different than my line brothers and was hesitant about participating in our anniversary trip. However, I knew God had a purpose for me being there and I simply wanted to receive what it was He had in store for me.

Our vacation crew was made up of 8 men: four married, one engaged; three unmarried men and half of the group were born-again believers. In addition to using my time away from Atlanta for rest and relaxation, I decided to relationally probe into the minds of men who possess very diverse backgrounds of relationship experiences. While we were on South Beach I began asking various questions related to marriage and the associated benefits/difficulties. The four married guys all admitted that they considered throwing in the towel at some point during their marriage due to the tension, frustration and difficulties of merging lives with their wives. Three of them have shaken the past frustrations and have proceeded forward in building and nurturing marital relationships with their spouses. However, one remains connected to his wife only because he’s not sure what to do or where to turn (those of us in Christ would know where to turn ). I asked them what unmarried men and women should focus on in preparation for the marital journey. Here are the top three items that were identified:

1. Communication – Because marriage involves two people from different backgrounds, it is imperative that communication flows freely and with honesty. Otherwise, you leave one party to develop their own conclusions about situations and that can be detrimental to the relationship.
2. Compromise – Two people coming together as one leads to the struggle of imposing one’s personal habits and ways of doing things on their mate. However, we must remember that just because you have been something a certain way for 30 years does not mean it’s the only way of accomplishing a desired outcome. Compromise is one of the most important components of a relationship.
3. Trust – Without trust…a relationship is doomed. If you are consumed with the whereabouts or activities of your mate, you are setting yourself up for a life of misery. A relationship without trust is destined for failure!

One of the four married guys attributed the success and perseverance of his marriage to the relationship both he and his wife have with Christ. He said without his Christian foundation, he would have left his wife with no questions asked. Isn’t it amazing that Christ can help calibrate relationships that seem out of alignment?

I was also shocked to learn that cheating on a spouse was not anything out of the ordinary for some of the men on our trip (I left this statement very vague so I would not incriminate any of my line brothers). Why cheat you may ask? Well…when there is a desire for variety, outside sources often fulfill the desire for variety. Not to mention there are many women who seek attention without commitment and this is an awesome option for men in committed relationships. It was also mentioned that sexual variety and pleasure are difficult temptations to overcome.

What is the moral of this story? Christ should be the focal point of all relationships so you have a central point to calibrate your relationship during times of trial and tribulation. Character allows you to discern the person you are connecting yourself to. Be sure that you are connected to a person’s character and not their personality because personalities change, but character remains consistent. Humorous is a personality trait. Cheating is a character flaw. All healthy relationships have open communication, willingness to compromise and the foundation of trust. Amen!


Anonymous said...

Well KP...great job yet again! I would just like to say that the 3 major items that you have listed should not only be used to describe a focal point for marriage, but also for our relationship with Christ. Communication (prayer), compromise (God's mercy), and trust (faith) are all important characteristics for our journey with Christ as well. It's amazing how these two themes always seem to align.

Anonymous said...

Kudos! I enjoyed this piece very much. I always welcome the perspective of the men. I hope that the sisters and brothers who think that married life will end their "struggle" will read this and see that even in marriage there are mountains to climb, and enemies to wrestle with. Nevertheless with Jesus as your guide married couples can conquer those mountains and defeat the enemy! KG

Anonymous said...

Awwww....Bishop! You threw your boys under the bus with your vague statement.

Anonymous said...

hi kp. i'm a daily blogger over at Misadventures In Atlanta, Mia. after reading my post, you'll probably guess who i am. lol. i desire a life partner. always have. in my last relationship, which lasted 8 great years, the only thing that we didn't have was good communication. i regret holding back all of the things that i wanted to say to him. there were 2 reasons for doing this (1) didn't want to hurt his feelings and (2) didn't want to be too mushy. now you can't shut me up. lol. the man who will take time out of his day to talk with me on the phone or in person will hear it straight from me. the first guy i dated when i moved here to GA, i tried it on him and he loved every word. i'm this way too on the blog (Mia) and my fellow bloggers hate it. lol. their getting used to it though. i'm being me and i won't stop! i have no issues with compromising. for example, there's this one guy who lurks on the blog everyday who i adore so much. he has known for a long while now that i'm moving back home to CA in June. if for some reason he chooses me after leaving the fabulous single life he so much enjoys, lol, i'll move to any place on earth to be with him. No problem with trust either. my ex cheated on me the whole 8 years we were together, but didn't know it. before the shyt hit the fan, i had never went through his phone, asked where he was going, nothing. i feel though that because of it, i made the cheating so easy for him. dayum! but it didn't change me. my future husband doesn't have to worry. his interest can still remain in his life, even after we start our wonderful life together. i feel good now. thanks so much for visiting us today. please come by every week and say hi. see if you can guess who i am on the blog. lol. i know you can do it. lol. please give me your thoughts on my comment. ;-)

Kenny Pugh (aka KP) said...

Thanks KLW, KG, Anonymous and MIA for sharing with the readers! Anonymous...I didn't throw my boys under the bus...there is no incriminating evidence provided :).