Monday, May 5, 2008

Do We Really Want What We Are Asking For?

Workplace Topic of the Week...

Why are there so many men and women desiring to be married when so many other men and women are looking for ways to get out of marriage? Do we really want what we are asking for?

I am beginning to feel troubled by this dilemma that I see occurring in our society. Do you believe that our institutions (educational, religious and family) are doing a good enough job of sharing and explaining what the marriage covenant truly means? If not, how can this be changed?

Have a great week!



Anonymous said...

KP...thank you for asking this question. Personally, I know what I'm asking for when it comes to marriage.

Marriage is a beautiful ministry when you have two people who have a foundation of Christ. I want me and my husband to be a walking billboard for Christ. In order for this to happen we have to be taught how God views the marriage covenant. I took a class a couple of months ago called "Marriage without regrets." I had it all wrong when it came to marriage. The most important things that I learned about marriage is that it is a covenant between you, your mate and God. You are making an oath to God and your love ones that your vows will not be broken. What God has put together, let no man put asunder. Prayer, submission and unconditional love are the main ingredients for the foundation which helps with the molding and shaping of the marriage.

In our churches today we need more small group classes focusing on the union of marriage. This needs to consist of marriage couples, single people, widowed and divorce people. It would like to see more conferences offered to single people in the churches where the married couples facilitate the classes.
We need to take more classes that will help prepare us for a healthy marriage and, spend more time with married couples who have healthy marriages. (Christian couples)

The answer to your question is no. I think we can do better as a family, church and society.

A marriage between a man and a woman should have a reflection of Christ's image and unconditional love.

This is what I'm asking for... SWOGOD

QC said...

This is very nice i'm going to check in more often, thanks for sharing KP.


Tazzee said...

No, I don't think our institutions are doing a good job of explaining what marriage really means. My view of marriage has come from being close friends with married people. Some where I'm friends with the husband and wife equally but most with the wife only.

I think this can definitely be changed by small groups as your first commenter stated. I think singles desiring marriage should get a chance to peek inside a solid marriage to see exactly what it takes and realize that it's not all peaches and cream.

Our institutions only gives us a glimpse and make us feel as if we all should desire it. From what I've seen, I can't emphatically say that I want marriage.

Kenny Pugh (aka KP) said...

Thanks QC and Tazzee for visiting my blog! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a sign of your visit.

Kenny Pugh (aka KP) said...

Thanks SWOGOD...I forgot to acknowledge your post!