Wednesday, December 10, 2008

End of Year Relationship Assessment

In your season of singleness, your relationship with Christ is representative of a relationship with your mate. If today was your end of year review and Christ represented your mate, how would you rate in the following areas?

- Quality time spent with Him
- Effective communication with Him
- Ability to resolve conflict with Him
- Demonstration of love towards Him
- Granting Him access to ALL areas of your life
- Ability to accept correction for inappropriate behavior from Him
- Consulting Him for guidance/direction
- Giving your time and talents to Him

If you struggle in the areas listed above, you will probably struggle with interpersonal relationships. Otherwise, you will probably experience a varying level of success.

Pop quiz
In your eyes, would God still be God if He decided not to send you a mate?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH YES!!! GOD WILL STILL BE GOD --Without a mate :-)!...You see, I DO have one more shot at being a bride--Christ is coming back for his bride (the church) and I will definitely be in that number!! Get quiz and I KNOW I passed with an "A"!!!!!