Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Art of Noise

One of my favorite songs of all-time is ‘Moments in Love’ by Art of Noise. The element that is so interesting about this particular song is the amount of instrument variety used to bring about a harmonious sound. This song has keyboards, horns, drums, rattlers, special effects, etc., and the predetermined transitions provide a beautiful musical flow using the ‘Art of Noise.’

In thinking through the art of music, I recently reflected on a sermon Bishop Eddie Long preached at my church back in 2007. He spoke about a conductor and an orchestra, and how they must work together in order to accomplish a single, harmonious, symphonic sound. An orchestra is made up of several instruments, each having a special role and sound needed to complete the big musical masterpiece directed by the conductor. When the musicians pay attention to the cue of the conductor, everything occurs at the right moment and produces what we hear as masterful music piece. However, when the musicians play out of turn or too loudly, it is extremely noticeable and the result is not so pleasant.

Well, relationships work the same way as the above-mentioned orchestra. Two individuals serve as the orchestra musicians and God serves as the conductor. When two individuals allow the orchestration of God to guide their steps, interaction and involvement, a beautiful relationship sound is experienced. Unfortunately, many of today’s relationships are generating an out of sync noise played at the desire of the individuals…and not as directed by God. Individuals are trying so hard to get their selfish points across, instead of contributing to the harmonious sound God desires. The solution is to simply get back in alignment with God’s direction, and allow Him to conduct every move in each area of a relationship. When you allow Him to lead, you will experience an ‘Art of Noise’ that’s pleasing to everyone involved.
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Anonymous said... well i know this piece by art of noise.... one can certainly reflect back on their actions and regret a few due to not being lead by God but their own egocentric intention. However, what may be viewed as egocentric could actually be apprehension. But how contradictory is this to the christian? You are correct--if Christ is leading, how melodious is the sound? like NOTHING the ear has ever heard......

Musique's Poetry said...

awesome comparison. being aligned with Christ creates harmony and great music when you follow Him. God Bless you.