Monday, December 29, 2008

He's Not Dumping You Because...

Below is an article sent to me by a friend and I found it interesting. Both men and women tend to have an inflated perspective of how good of a catch they really are. The bottom line is that we all have areas to improve in our lives and our search for a mate who is perfect will always come up short. There is a difference between 'the perfect mate' and 'the mate who is perfect.'

Written by Judy McGuire of The Frisky (

Writing about dating is my full-time job, so, naturally, I hear a lot of pretty deranged tales of love gone wrong. But last week I received a letter from a woman who was convinced that men wouldn't go out with her because she was just too ... beautiful.

She fully believed her breathtaking attractiveness was anything but a man-magnet -- as one might expect. Instead, she said, her beauty acted as a Romeo-repellant, causing suitors to run screaming from her. Obviously, I explained the situation to her (perhaps it wasn't her gorgeous outsides, but her narcissistic insides that were doing the damage), but it did get me to thinking about all the other ridiculous reasons that women -- myself included -- come up with when they get dumped.

Along with being too beautiful, here are a few other qualities I guarantee nobody will ever break your heart over:

Too smart: I once had a friend who was convinced she couldn't keep a boyfriend because she was too smart for the male population. She was positive her staggering intellect was turning them off. Uh, no. What drove the men away (and most of her female friends, as well) was the fact that she was mean. We're talking stupendously cruel. Her definition of smart translated into cutting people down until they felt like the smallest person on earth. Not exactly a turn-on, no matter how cleverly it's worded.

Too nice: Generally, I hear this one more from men, but women are guilty of it, too. Here, the problem is semantics. "Nice" is a desirable quality. Whereas "doormat," "pantywaist," and "milquetoast" are not. Far too many people mistake the latter for the former, and there's a world of difference when it comes to dating. So, no, you're not getting dumped because you're too nice; you're getting the heave-ho because you're spineless.

To see the rest of this article please visit:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey KP! It's good to see you back in full affect :-)! Hope you had a great holiday.

Although I am not currently in a relationship to be considered "dumped" at this time (smile), I enjoy correlating some of these blogs to my life....

One of the "saddest" qualities a woman can possess is believing that her beauty is above all. Personally, I grew up with low-self esteem. I was short, skinny, had crooked teeth, flat chested and the list goes on and on! My sisters, on the other hand, where the "show stoppers"! I often thought--Will I ever turn into Cinderella? :-)!! My uncle, bless his soul, always came to my resue. I was often teased about my size, referred to as "no bigger than a penny"...My uncle would say--"Hey! She's aleast two cents!" About a month ago, I recalled that incident in my life and came up with the name "Two Cynt's Worth" which actually refers to my "value"---not my opinion. I thank God for at least giving me decent features in my adult life, but I certainly am aware that there are tons of beautiful woman who far exceed my qualities and do not, under any circumstances, believe that I am "all that". However, I am more concerned about being beautiful on the "inside..... Being a former cosmetologist, I often witnessed superficial comments made by my clients who had been "dumped" and wanting me to turn them into a "queen" to make that brotha' regret his decision. Hmmmmmm...glad to be away from THAT drama!!!

As for the intellect, the scripture tells us of the "puffed" spirit and not idolizing ourselves. However, at times, I like to look deep into a situation and not necessarily relate it to being "smart" but being wise.....asking God to give me clarity on certain things so that I don't "over anaylze" the situation. I have certainly been guilty of this on more than one occasion.....

Too nice?......well, maybe....I was extremely passive "back in the day" and wish I had been "dumped" because I may not have had a failed relationship :-)!!! Although today, I may be a "bit" feisty at times, I find myself with INFLECTION in my voice due to the INFLICTION that was placed upon me. However, my past is not someone else's problem....even though I have been provoked to wrath. It's more appealing to have control over your emotions, regardless of what you have experienced. Simply put, it's growth....and healthier!

Although I don't want to entertain the idea of being dumped, it is a reality. If I am, I hope it's for a better reason that what is stated in this article :-)!!!

Peace and Love!!!