Thursday, July 31, 2008

You Need a Commitment!

How many of you know someone in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere? How many years must go by before making a commitment or deciding that other options are desired? Today is the day where you decide that some type of commitment is required from your ‘friend’ or significant other. It is no longer good enough for you to wait while he or she finds himself or herself. It is no longer good enough for you to wait while he or she figures out what he or she wants to be when he or she grows up. It is no longer good enough for you to wait while entangled in a relationship with someone who hasn’t figured out whether or not they want you. It is time for you to have a grow-up conversation that will either solidify the direction you are both going in, or frees you up from a relationship that will WASTE VALUABLE TIME IN YOUR LIFE.

Life is an asset that has a predefined expiration date. You cannot add to or take away from the allotted time God has prescribed for you. Understanding this, why would you remain ensnared in a relationship that doesn’t align with your future aspirations or desires? It is time to make a firm decision to only allow those with like minds and goals to remain connected to you. If your ‘friend’ or significant other is not progressing towards the big picture goals you have for your life, then it’s time for you to set them free. Life is too short to remain connected to people who will hold you back from what God has birthed inside of you. Take control of your life and continue towards the destiny God has called you to.
Be blessed!

“Every day that you waste delays you from progressing towards your destiny!” --Kenny Pugh

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