Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Biggest Test of Your Character

Below is an interesting article written by Jimmy Evans, author and writer of Marriage Today.

I like this statement: God didn’t make marriage to make us happy. He made it to make us grow up. So many people have a concept of marriage that is flawed. Because of this, they have unrealistic expectations that set them up for disappointment.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe God created marriage for lifelong pleasure and happiness. Beyond any other human relationship, marriage has the potential to make us happier, longer than anything else. But there is a price to happiness and that price is character.

Marriage tests our character in every way. It tests our patience, our work ethic, our willingness to forgive, our sensitivity to others, our tolerance for those different from us, our ability to cooperate, etc. Marriage is the biggest character test in life.

I also like this statement: With God, you never flunk a test. You just keep taking it until you get it right. This is true. God wants us to be like Him. He is trying to produce His character in us and is relentless in His efforts. Relationships are His primary means of testing how much like (or unlike) Him we are.

For me, marriage was like a trip to the proverbial woodshed for the first several years. I was selfish, insensitive, angry and chauvinistic. After the first few years of marriage I was convinced that I had made a mistake in marrying Karen and she was the cause of my misery.

Today, I look back at those times as crucial in the formation of my character. I have to admit that I almost didn’t make it. There were many times when I came to a fork in the road where I had to make a decision to change to become more like the Lord (patient, selfless, forgiving) or remain immature.

Every time I made a positive character change our marriage took a significant step forward. Karen also made positive character choices that benefited our relationship. Today we have a great marriage. We aren’t perfect, but we are more like the Lord than ever before and we are committed to a lifelong journey to be more like Jesus.

How is your relationship? More importantly, how is your character? Remember, it is the foundation of your marriage and every other relationship in life. Also remember, when you are experiencing marriage problems it is often the Lord dealing with a character issue.

Let me rephrase my original statement: Before marriage will make you happy it will make you grow up. It’s time to pass the test and take a step to a happier marriage.

Please visit Jimmy and Karen Evans at

1 comment:

Lena said...

So when marriages end in divorce, is it because one or both parties weren't ready to grow up? I'd say that sounds accurate if the marriage ended within the first seven years, when you look at reasons, that makes a lot of sense. That was a great article. Thanks for posting it.