Friday, July 4, 2008


I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T do you know what that means?

I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T do you know what that means?

July 4th is the day that we celebrate the independence of our beloved country the United States of America. This is a day filled with fireworks, light shows and cookouts in various areas across our US cities and towns. Well, on this day I challenge you to also celebrate your personal season of independence too! Many feel doomed because they don’t know why being unmarried is a positive season, when everyone and everything around us promotes singleness as a hassle and plague. Here are five reasons to celebrate your personal independence on this day:

1. Freedom – Do you have a desire to take a random trip with friends to an out of state destination? Do you ever want to take the day off and go to a movie by yourself? During your season of singleness, you have the freedom to do whatever you desire without having to check-in with anyone.

2. Opportunity to discover who you are – Once you are deeply involved in a relationship or marriage, it’s very difficult to personally discover who you are. However, during your season of singleness, you are able to explore your personal areas of interest in an attempt to find out what God really desires for you to do. The downfall of some marriages is due to one party still trying to figure out what their individual purpose in life is, while engaged in a covenant relationship with a mate.

3. Opportunity to grow personally and serve – Your season of singleness gives you the opportunity to take training classes for professional growth, participate in church missions trips and further your education before taking on the added responsibility of family. Why not be and become all you can during this season of your life in preparation for the long-term calling God has for your life?

4. More control over your time – During your season of singleness you don’t have to give an account of your time to anyone. Period! You have full authorization to allocate your personal time as you see fit :).

5. Sole decision-maker – What happens if you receive a job opportunity that requires you to relocate? What happens if you desire to go back to school in order to obtain a law degree or masters degree? What about those expensive shoes or that expensive suit in the mall? In your season of singleness you are the sole decision-maker and can make decisions without consulting anyone else.

After all is said and done, you have one life to live so LIVE IT UP! Keep God first, make good decisions and explore life.



Anonymous said...

Amen! We should try to celebrate that independence everyday. It has not been an easy journey for me to reach the place of truly appreciating this season in my life. Now, I savor the moments when I'm able to just lounge around the house if I want to or go to a show. If God and my budget says it's okay to get that nice pair of shoes, I can do it without consulting anyone. When the time comes for me to be married, I can look forward to sharing MORE adventures with my husband. The fun doesn't have to stop just because you're married,just be ready to compromise and sacrifice. Until then, be open to the Lord showing you the joys in this season. Everyone have a blessed holiday weekend!!! KG

Lena said...

I heard that! When I became single again, the first night on my own, I was at Target and it was like 10 pm, and I started freaking out because I knew I should have called someone to 'check in' to let them know that I was running late and then I thought about it and remembered, I don't have to check in with NOBODY! What an exhale moment that was!

Anonymous said...

I know you had a praise party that night lena! KG