Monday, July 21, 2008

Equal Opportunity???

Workplace topic of the week...

How open are you to exploring relationship opportunities with people of different races?

Men are typically more open to dating women of different races; whereas, women are more likely to stay within their race in search of Mr. Right. Take time to personally explore yourself to see where you fit in.

Have you indirectly placed God in a box by saying that your spouse has to come in a certain package? Hmmmmm....

I'm interested in your comments so please feel free to leave them :).


cpdfitness said...

Oh my goodness!! I am so glad you are speaking on this. I was watching a documentary entitled, "Soul Mate" in which one of the featured women stated, "un-like white women, black women do not have a lot of options". The documentary went on to state why this was so-such as a lot of black men are either in jail, gay or with white women. Well I could not agree more!! Our opitions are only limited because we limit ourselves. Who informed you that black men were our only options? I am a 31 year african-american female and I can assure you that my options are not limited. There's nothing more irritating to me than hearing black women say, the reason why they don't have a man is because white women are taking them all or vice versa. Are you kidding!! That is the most ridiculous, un-intelligent statement that I've
ever heard. I mean, why do we get so angry at the very thought of a black man with a white woman? AT THE VERY THOUGHT??? That is wasted time and energy that we could be putting into the Kingdom. When I date, I don't see color at all because it's really not important when it comes to being in a healthy relationship. And most importantly, God doesn't see color when He accepts us as His children. So why should we? We need to stop closing ourselves off to very idea of being with some one of another race. Besides, that could be the best relationship you've ever been in. Instead of focusing on color, we need to focus on if that person is a Christan and if so are they striving to live a godly lifestyle in which God would be pleased? After all, God created EVERYONE, not just black people. At the end of the day do you really want to be single and alone becase you rejected someone that God wanted for you that just happened be of another race?

cpdfitness said...

Please forgive me for the typo in the first paragraph. I meant to say, " I could not DIS-agree more". :-)

Lena said...

Yes, I have placed God in a box by stating on several occasions that my preference is to only seriously consider men of my own race for marriage. I like having a commonality and think it's easier to start off with that when entering into a lifelong commitment. This is based on family members and close friends that I have seen go select men of another race as lifelong partners. I asked someone close to me about why black men get so irritated when black women decide to go outside their race when black men exercise this option on the regular. He stated that it has to do with our worth. Black men consider black women's worth to be very high and thus, when they go out of their race it's because a) because of geographic reasons, there just aren't a lot of black women to choose from or b) they don't consider themselves to be worth the effort of dating a black women - in other words, in terms of what they need at that moment, a women of another race would be easier to attain. So I thought that was interesting to share considering the topic.

Lena said...

Also, to comment on the first comment left on this topic - I am one who does not have a problem with a man selecting a woman of another race, because that has nothing to do with me. I actually know that what God has for me is for me so it doesn't matter. There are enough to go around, it's just a waiting game and if you haven't found "the one" that happens to be of your race, it's because God isn't ready for you to find him.