Friday, July 25, 2008

Do Something Unconventional!

As I sit here at my desk this morning, I continue to ponder why so many people never experience happiness during their unmarried season. Unfortunately, many (myself included), get caught-up in the redundancy of everyday life and never step out of the box to experience the new opportunities everyday life brings. How can we expect to ever grow if we never break the routine of working, going to school, eating and sleeping? When was the last time you did something unconventional?

If you cannot remember, then I challenge you to do something unconventional this weekend! Go see a movie with friends or by yourself. Go patronize a new restaurant in your area. Go serve as a volunteer at your local Boys and Girls Club. Go to the spa and treat yourself. Go workout and improve the temple God has blessed you with. If you don’t like any of the aforementioned ideas, then do something you’ve been wanting to do personally (go hiking, white-water rafting, camping, etc.).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen, my brother. I love taking myself out on dates. I even get dressed up! When you learn how to "do you" others will follow suite.