Monday, June 16, 2008

Compatibility Questions

Workplace topic of the week...

Although there is no 100% guaranteed way of predicting if a relationship will be successful, there are some key factors to consider when interviewing a potential mate. I will provide a list of these compatibility questions over the course of the next week or two.

Please consider these as good starter questions to ponder and evaluate:

1) Do we share the same religious beliefs?

2) Do we share similar family experiences, upbringing and desires (kids vs no kids)?

3) How does my potential mate view and manage finances?

You will never have a firm foundation in your relationship if religion, family views and money management are out of alignment. Differing views on any of the above questions are cause to truly consider pursuing a relationship with your counterpart.


Anonymous said...

I totaly agree. Looking forward to the other questions!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow I like the questions. It is very important that the person I date share the same religious beliefs. It is important that they understand their salvation. Believe and confess (Romans 10:9). I desire that person to be a believer. Christ died for my sins and I am free from those sins. It is very important that they love the Lord with all their heart, mind, body and trying to live a life that in everything they do they are giving God the Glory. I think it is important that they want to be living a life that is pleasing and acceptable to Him. Obeying his word and giving him all the honor and glory they can through life application.
For me I grew up in a home with mother for the most part and a stepfather who came into the picture later and a father I saw from time to time. Do not get me wrong my mother, stepfather, step siblings and I are a close family unit and my commitment to family and friends is a direct result of the things I learned through all those relationships.
As a child I grew up with the fact that the closest I could go to the street was the driveway. My mother/stepfather wanted me to understand training and obedience and the difference between right and wrong. My mother often stated Proverbs 22:6. So now that I am old I understand what they were doing and I love them the more for it. In fact I think my mother referenced Proverbs 22:15 as her personal favorite when I think of some of the trouble I got into : ) Basically they instilled in me what I know as sound biblical principles to carry on in my own family if ever blessed to start one.
Kids no kids well I love the kids and no I do not have any at this time and I yes I desire to have at least a child. I pray that any mate would want the same. To be honest when I was a spring chicken I wanted to have lots of kids but with age and reality (not being what I used to be) keeping up with a house full of kids just is not my desire any longer.
Finances well I used to be pretty careless with my money now I love watching my money grow. In fact I can be quite uptight about my money. My friends laugh at me because I can be so cheap when it comes to most things with prices the way they are money just does not go as far as it did so I have to make sure that I am ok and prepared for the future. I am not as good as I desire to be but I grow everyday. Occasionally I still do buy myself something because believe me when I say I work to hard not to enjoy the fruits of my labor. On the flip side I enjoy watching my debt decrease and my savings increase. I get excited when I mark on my goal board something achieved because that means I am one debt (less) better. I enjoy reading about different investment vehicles because as I payoff debts I like to redirect my money toward making my money grow. From time to time I enjoy blessing others. You see when you have enough close calls you realize life is just tooooooo short not to give someone else a portion of what God has given you. I try to be a good steward over what God has given me and not waste funds impulsively but sometimes I do loose focus, but again I work everyday towards being better.
Thank you again for the chance once again to think about and express what I desire in a mate.