Thursday, November 13, 2008

Reality of Love

The reality of love is this: We don't have the ability to really love without the power of the Holy Spirit working through us.

In Galatians 5:22-23, the Apostle Paul tells us the fruit of the Spirit is, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control...” According to this scripture, we don't have the capacity to love without God giving us that ability as we surrender ourselves to Him.

So how are people able to “love” when they don't know God? Well unfortunately they can't. At least they are not able to love with the type of love God demonstrates. God's love is a special love the Bible calls “agape”. It is a love that flows out of the will and does not change. It does not change based on feeling, emotion or attitude. It is the most stable and predictable kind of love and the only type that can provide a lasting foundation in marriage and/or other relationships.

Often, when people say they love someone, they are just talking about sexual desire or a passionate feeling. These kinds of feelings fluctuate regularly and are not synonymous with pure love. Modern day love outside of God isn’t strong enough to endure the many storms of life relationships and marriages experience.

Agape love, however, is a committed and sacrificial love that is modeled after Jesus. When Jesus tells us He loves us, He isn't talking about a feeling that comes and goes. He is telling us He is committed to us forever and will not change. He loves us regardless of whether we are a drugaholic, alcoholic, sexaholic, lustaholic, workaholic or any other holic you can name. Jesus’ love for us remains the same no matter what we do to Him. We really need to consider what we mean when we tell our spouse, fiancĂ©/fiancĂ©e, boyfriend/girlfriend “I love you”. Are we saying that we are experiencing an emotional feeling when we are around them or are we saying we are committed to him or her forever and will demonstrate love regardless of bad feelings or negative circumstances?

People controlled by their emotions are unreliable and their moodiness can do a lot of damage to relationships. Relationships built on personalities and moods are destined for failure. The most stable and dependable people in relationships are those who are submitted to the influence of the Holy Spirit. They are powered by a supernatural love that will lead them to do the right thing through thick and thin.

Prayer for today

Ask God to fill you with the power of His Holy Spirit. He never intends for us to go around trying to love people out of the shallow well of our own emotions. The ocean of His love is always available to any of us who would just admit our weaknesses and depend upon Him. His agape love is the highest love and will transform any person, relationship, or marriage under its influence.

Please visit for more helpful articles like this!

(Some content taken from Jimmie Evans' Marriage Today. You can visit his site at

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Anonymous said...


Yo man, I appreciate your posts and check in regularly to see what the topic of the day/week is. This is my first time responding however. In regard to your statement that people can only "agape" love if they know God, are you making knowledge of God synonymous with Christianity? I ask this specifically because I've been through instances in my life where it was Christians who talked about me and ridiculed me the most while secular friends that supposedly had no relationship to God were the most caring, understanding and compassionate. While I am not generalizing all Christians, I just want to be sure that you are not generalizing all non-Christians. I think that Christians can show agape love when they choose to but many times they choose instead to gossip, backbite, lie, critcize and condemn others. Conversely, while many non-Christians may be selfish, arrogant and prideful, there are others that (at least in my life) have proven themselves to have agape love for me, their families and their communties. How do you account for this seeming discrepancy...I know I'm pushing you a little here but would you be willing to say that there is a God essence in all of God's creation and that God's agape love can be demonstated by non-Christians?

Kenny Pugh (aka KP) said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! In order to address your question I first have to provide the basis of my blog insights/opinions. I am a licensed minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and that's the foundation for all of my thoughts. I have resolved that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible Word of God. I can only attest to the experience of 'agape' love through my relationship with Christ. By virtue of my beliefs, I am stating that God is synonymous with love through His Son Jesus Christ (scriptures available upon request :)).

I know that many Christians demonstrate hypocrisy in their actions. Because of our humanity we are all subject to fall victim to sin and our selfishness. In your specific example, it seems like you are making an overall blanket assessment based on your personal experience. It's understandable because I know several people who can make the same argument. Conversely, I can also provide examples of people who only experienced negativity from their secular associations and received love, encouragement and a sense of renewal through their Christian friends and family.
I too have some very intelligent, cool and supportive non-Christian friends who I keep in my circle. I still hang out with them because many were around and had my back when 'church' folks seemingly turned their backs on me and faded into the sunset. I too like many others held a grudge in dealing with Christian hypocrites. Why do I want to be associated with a group of individuals who can speak in tongues on Sunday and then curse you out in the parking lot? Why associate with a group who spreads gossip like no other? Great questions...but these same questions can be posed to any group.

I was renewed when it was illuminated that my Christian association is based on an individual relationship with Jesus Christ. I cannot and will not be consumed by the inconsistent behaviors of others because I have to give an account for myself when I transition from time to eternity. God's love to me is the measuring stick of what 'agape' love is. The agape love association that we should strive for is always going to be work in progress. Many people, including Christians, struggle with the pursuit and demonstration of agape love in their everyday lives. However, man's inconsistency does not take away from the reality of God's 'agape' love. The reason why I see Christianity as the epitome of this demonstration is because God sent His only begotten Son to pay a price that He did not owe. His death, burial and resurrection paved the way so that I can receive sufficiency in my insufficiency. Unless someone knows and acknowledges the death, burial and resurrection for all of mankind, I don't see how 'agape' love can realistically be shown. Just my thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Excellent reply, KP and I agree! KG

Anonymous said...

Hey KP!

I am SO glad that I know God because I, without a doubt, possess agape love....

At times, I experience a "christian no-no" -- FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). Yes, as much as I love the Lord, I get scared....real scared. Why? The past...Does it consume me? ABSOLUTELY NOT! But I am human and God is still working on me. He is the only one who knows my past hurts and since I am his child, I have no doubt I will prevail. Deliverance is available to all who seek him.

I am "big" enough to admit that I NEVER want to experience my past struggles (unreciprocated "agape" love) and intelligent enough to seek my Father in heaven to move me on to my destiny. My life is self evident that he loves me, has my back, has been (and still is) protecting me, and knows precisly when I will be ready to receive ALL that he has for me.

I'm not counting myself out as a "loss cause" even if others may view me in this light.....God's not through with me yet. When he gets through with me, I WILL come forth as PURE GOLD....In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add one important point...

I don't love with my body (sexual emotion). That is such a small percentage of what love "really" is. That's the beautiful expression God granted to husband and wife. Loving someone is spiritual, psychological and unconditional. You are correct. Some folk may love with their bodies only, but should do so with their mind, heart and soul, just as the Lord and our Savior loves us.....It's a beautiful thang that can only be given by God. Agape love.....yeah....I know quite a bit about that......

Anonymous said...

Because of how awesome God's agape love is, I actually have a tattoo of the word agape on my shoulder. For me, agape is even more than just the fact that it's unconditional, God loves each of us with the same intensity regardless of if we love Him back or not, or even believe in Him or not. A love in which you can say I love you forever, even if you don't love me, without even needing to hear those words back is by far a true, real, deep and AMAZING Love.

Anonymous said...

Hey...lovin' that comment aj!!!

On that note, I can say good night and go and receive some much needed sleep (lol)! You are so right...what an amazing love...Thank you Lord....