Friday, November 7, 2008

Dating and Privacy

When going through the process of 'dating', you should expect the common courtesy of learning the basic information about the person you are sharing with. Information such as age, occupation, children, likes and dislikes should not be viewed as 'out of the ordinary.' However, there are some areas of life that begin to push the limit for those going through the 'get to know you' process (e.g., income, credit score inquiries, number of past sex partners, etc.).

Men tend to be a lot more private/secretive of themselves when it comes to sharing information. I think this has a lot to do with a woman's natural desire to learn certain things; whereas, a man doesn't really focus on things outside of the basics.

- How private should you be when you are dating someone new and you want to explore a relationship?

- At what point during the relationship do you begin to share the more intimate details of yourself with the person you are dating? Are you an open book? Or does someone have to pry information out of you?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since I am not typically and have not been on the dating scene, this is a bit difficult for me to comment on (lol)....however, I'd like to speak hypothetically in certain instances based on my personality.

I agree that men tend to be private about themselves when sharing info. There are things about overselves that we may not be ready to divulge because we aren't certain how receptive the other person will be. Personally, if I were in the process of transitioning from a friendship to dating, I would mentally prepare myself for sharing "sensitive" conversation. Depending on the man, I can discern when it is time to share.... but I would prefer for him to take the lead by "asking" instead of me "offering". It shows that the conversation is flowing and that a man is really interested in you! It's the only way to truly get to know a person.....conversing. Observation is one thing, but conversation is "digging in" and "finding out"!

I am open in so many ways to others, but the person I date would be privy to things about myself. If the chemistry is right, he wouldn't need to pry anything.....I'd give the info straight.