Thursday, November 20, 2008

Is Your Life On Hold?

Here is an interesting entry written by a young lady on the Christianity Today website.

I read a quote recently from Carolyn Hax, an advice columnist I read frequently, that made me stop and think. Although her advice doesn't come from a Christian perspective, I enjoy reading her because she has a lot of common sense.

Here's an excerpt from a recent advice column:
"Is there any element of your life that's based on the assumption that you'd someday be married?

… the signs that you're waiting for your life to come find you aren't always obvious, like living with your parents. It can be your savings strategy, your hobbies, your neighborhood, your hangouts, your eating habits, your choice of friends, your behavior on dates, your travel plans, your taste in clothing or music or art, your willingness even to buy art.

… If you identify any part of your life that's in limbo because you're single, try knocking it back out again. Make the choices you'd make if this were it, your life, no one but you calling shots."


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Anonymous said...

I'm trying to parallel my life to this I waiting for life to come and find me? Let's decifer this:

living with parent....
situation couldn't be helped,but will certainly change :)

savings strategy....
hmmmmmmm...the economy and health "jacked" this one up for me :)

have EXCELLENT hobbies (reading, exercising, dancing, singing, skating, movies, shopping etc.)

love my hood!

EBC, a few friends in the "Chi's" home, IMAGE events, don't hang out anywhere in the ATL (sounds good to me!)

eating habits....
I eat when I'm hungry. Doc says I'm in excellent health! Praise God this was a looooooong time joking here...

choice of friends.....
tricky one....I don't have many at all. My two closest are in Chi-Town. I have "acquaintances" here in the ATL. Most have issues that I believe I have had excellent input from a Christian perspective. The ones who did'nt care to listen to great advice either from experience or the Bible, just faded away. Others are returing to God's house. You can't beat that with a ten foot poll....some of the issues that folk I know don't apply to me. The "birds of a feather flock together" is absolutely out of the question here. Don't mean to sound arrogant, but my issues are personal and don't apply to so of my "friends" situations....

behavior on dates....
DO NOT date!

travel plans....
AHHHHHHHH..... I DID get slightly spoiled from the benefits of a Pennicle Award/President Circle Award winning spouse and traveled extensively about 10 years ago...would I trade that lifestyle in that relationship back to give up my singleness? NEVER....I would rather stay single for the duration of my life.....

taste in clothing, music or art...
love my taste, but there is always room for improvement....

buying art....
I have plenty in waiting.....

Now, I have "drank" this in well and come to the conclusion that I AM the one calling the shots on my life...have been "somewhat" doing this for about two years. My problem is to "embrace" my singleness before it begans to embrace me.

Great food for thought!

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, I decided to explore the Christianity Today website. Came across a great article called "Moving On". Now this one.....definitely applied. I'm going to call off a number of pity parties myself. However, it was conforting to learn that when I was going "through" my acquiantences turned their backs on me. Unfortunately, life has a way of "turning on a dime". It's amazing that one of my "friends" here in the ATL who had ceased coming to church, experienced a situation similar to mine. What did I do? Turn on the "cold shoulder" just as she did to me? Not at all.....she's been getting feed @ HUMP night....Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...I realized that I don't have time to pity myself because there is too much work to be done...I'm certain I will be a "junkie" to this site.