Friday, March 21, 2008

Relationship Tip - 3/21/08

All relationships should be developed and evaluated based on current state character profiles of the involved individuals. You should NEVER enter into a relationship with the intent on changing your partner. If they are unsaved today, then assume they will remain in that state. If they are abusive today, then assume they will remain that way. If they are unmotivated about life today, then assume they will remain that way. If they are disrespectful to you today, then assume they will remain that way. Only God has the ability to change people, so don't enter into a relationship as a 'missionary'. If you desire covenant, make sure your covenantal desire IS NOT based on 'missionary' outcomes. You don't possess the power to change anyone!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so true and I know this isn't the first time we've heard that. Recently, I have heard someone say that if I get off their back then God will have time to get on it. Many people pray about that person, then go back to hounding them about the very thing they prayed about.

Let Go and Let God . . .