Thursday, April 30, 2009

re:Position Your Preparation by Paul Wilson, Jr.

What if I told you I had $1 million to give you today, but I needed to see a plan for how you were going to use it? What would you do to multiply that money into $2 million, $10 million or $100 million? What would you do to ensure that your grandchildren would benefit from my initial investment?

Don’t have an answer? Why not? You don’t think it would happen or you’re not ready if it did?

The sad truth is that many people don’t live their lives in preparation mode. They sit back hoping something good will happen to them. They expect opportunities to come, but they don’t do the things necessary to get ready for them in advance. Unfortunately, for most people their “big break” never happens.

It’s very interesting that in the midst of these economic challenges, the greatest buying opportunities of our time exist for those who have the resources to purchase rock-bottom-price houses, stocks, real estate and other wealth-building investment vehicles. Regrettably, most people over spent and lived above their income levels when the economy was going good so they didn’t have anything saved up for these lean times.

There is a saying that goes, “Success equals opportunity plus preparation.” My pastor says it like this, “God shows up when our willingness intersects our preparation.” It’s too late to prepare after the opportunity is already here.

A wise person prepares with the expectation that what they are preparing for could come at any time.
 If you want to start a business, but you’re working for someone else right now, use your job to gain knowledge and skills that you can use later in your own company. Also, start writing your business plan and begin networking.
 If you want to change jobs or careers, start developing the competencies and knowledge base needed to allow you to transition when the opportunity comes available.
 If you want to go back to school, start researching and determining which one is best suited to help you reach your goals.
 If you want to be a professional speaker, start writing your speeches and practicing your delivery - even in the mirror if needed.
 If you want to write a book, start writing.

If you want to do anything the first step is to start doing something!
You don’t know when your big break will present itself. So don’t get sucked into the black hole of complacency and apathy, thinking that your opportunity has either passed you by or isn’t coming. Preparation is an exercise of faith that moves you in the direction of expectation and possession.

The next time someone asks you the $1 million question, be ready with a well-prepared answer. You never know who would want to invest in your dream.

Dream B.I.G.,
Paul Wilson, Jr.

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