Friday, February 13, 2009

A Single Woman's V-Day Thoughts

As a single woman in today’s society, Valentine’s Day is one of the most dreaded days of the year. This is the day where, to the world, your worth is revealed. Girl, she didn’t get any flowers is equivalent to not having a man or he’s just not a good one for not ‘showing’ his love through material possessions.

It is a difficult feeling to overcome, but we must be strong and know that during this season of singleness we all have one objective-to please God. The worldly pressure we receive do not equate to the love we feel from the spirit. More often than not, we are placing ourselves in a box and allowing our spirits to be drained knowing that we are without a companion.

I’d like to challenge all single women who are feeling a little down today. Why are you feeling that way? Have you placed the priorities of your life in the incorrect order? Where is your spiritual love for the Father and does it outweigh that love you seek from a man? When you look over your life and have wasted time pursuing, chasing, and hunting a man, the One you need has been with you the entire time. As a matter of fact, He gets a little angry when we don’t give Him all of our attention. When we decide to take these matters of the heart into our own hands, is when it all goes downhill.

When we desire to have a mental, physical and emotional relationship with a man we must gauge the level of that same type of relationship with our Father. It happens in the same way. God shows us His unfiltered, unconditional love. He courts us. He wants an intimate relationship with us. He knows us mentally. He knows our physical needs. Once we recognize that we can return that same intense love to Him. Take a look at yourself. What is that you want to be? How are you going to get to that goal? Our ability to grow in our Father/Daddy relationships is totally dependant on the way we accept ourselves.

I once read that the key elements to a growing relationship are: 1) Humility, 2) Appreciation, 3) Acceptance, 4) Responsiveness, 5) Trusting and 6) Being Secure. Accept your faults and embrace your qualities. Be at peace with where you are in life. Celebrate for yourself. Love yourself and you will be loved!

- By AProsperingSoul

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After my marriage failed, it was tough...and it had NOTHING to do with Valentine's Day. The "numeral uno" man in my life, the lover of my soul is none other than JC himself (Jesus Christ). To KNOW him is to LOVE him. Being "alone" with myself was never the issue...Two Cynt just had to find her worth again.....ALL praise goes to the Lord for that one. He was just waiting on me to walk down the right road. No more looking's full speed ahead.