Thursday, February 5, 2009

Conquer F.E.A.R. by Paul Wilson, Jr.

This is an excerpt from my forthcoming book:

Dream B.I.G. in 3D: How to Pursue a Bold, Innovative, God-Inspired Life! (available March 2009)

Many people never accomplish great things in their lives, not because they didn’t have the ability, but because of fear. For some people it’s the fear of failure. But for others, it’s the fear of success, as in “how will the people who I am closest to treat me if I advance beyond where they are?” Success or greatness requires you to be different, special. It requires you to stand out from the crowd, to be a difference maker. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has created you to be special and to do great things. You can’t let fear stand in the way of what God has for you.

There are four key components to conquering your fears:

1. Focus on God. You are going to have trouble in this world. Count on it. The question is how will you respond? Will you be peeved or will you praise? Will you pout or pray? Will you worry or worship? The only difference between worry and worship is that with worry enlarges your problems in comparison to God, while worship enlarges God in comparison to your situation. Keep your eyes focused on Him.

2. Evaluate the obstacle. God is bigger than any challenge that could prevent you from accomplishing your dreams. I can’t, but God can. Identify what you’re up against, but also recognize that you have already won. Everything else pales in comparison to God.

3. Attack the enemy “in-a-me”. You have to overcome the enemies inside of you, before you can successfully defeat the enemies outside of you. Many times you are your own worst enemy. It’s not the “Man” or somebody else’s fault for your situation. Many times it’s YOU! Internal enemies include fear, pride, lack of integrity, and tendency to self-sabotage in pressure situations. Even Jesus had to deal with fear and the temptation to quit. The Bible (1 Cor. 10:13) says that there is no temptation that we deal with that Jesus didn’t deal with. He can relate to us. It is not a sin to be tempted. It is a sin to give in to the temptation. Don’t give in to the temptation to quit on your dreams no matter how difficult things may seem.

4. Respond to the challenge. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is acknowledging it and doing what you have to do anyway. You must make a decision to move forward no matter what it looks like. When you have the Father on your side, there is no need to fear, because He said He would never leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).

So, what are you afraid of? Whatever it is, you need to submit it to God and move forward with what He has put in your heart to do.

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Anonymous said...

PWJ ain't never lied :) Conquer that thang with a "quickness"... and put God first because you can't and won't go wrong!!!

Just HAD to comment on FB too! :)

shemmings said...

In response to conquering fear, and being my worst enemy. This is the truth, I am praying right now for God to help me with my spirit and action of procrastination. Thanks for this message..

shemmings said...

In response to conquering fear, and being my worst enemy. This is the truth, I am praying right now for God to help me with my spirit and action of procrastination. Thanks for this message..

Unknown said...

Wow, that is a powerful message! Most people I've talked to about conquering fear is always afraid of the unknown or failure, but there are those of us who are fearful of success...what will "they" think when I'm no longer like them? I needed to read that!

Thanks for sharing