Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Would You Do?

Workplace topic of the week...

1. What would you do if your significant other never changed the things you desired him/her to change?

2. What would you do if the significant other God desires for you, is unlike the person you truly desire physically, economically or professionally?

3. What would you do if God communicated He would no longer bless you because had not done the last thing He asked of you?

4. What would you do if God asked you to leave your current place of comfort and requested you to participate in full-time missions endeavors?

5. What would you do if God told you that you would never have children?

6. What would you do if you found out you only had 60 days to live?

7. What would you do if were in a plane that was about to crash and could only make one phone call? Who would you call?

8. What would you do if you were granted one wish? What would it be?

9. What would you do if you could acquire an eternity of blessings by giving up your current 'things' such as your job, money, houses or cars today? Would you do it?

10. What would you do if God sat you down today and told you that He desires for you to remain unmarried for the rest of your life?

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