Monday, September 15, 2008

Is There Any Incentive for a Man to Desire Marriage?

Workplace topic of the week...

What incentives are there for a man to wanna marry a woman in today’s society?

*Disclaimer: I don’t agree with the following, but many guys inside and outside the church have expressed the following points…

1. Sex is freely distributed so there is no need to purchase a license (ring) for it.
2. If a man marries then cheating is considered adultery. If not, it’s just the nature of a man!
3. Marriage can result in giving up half of everything if it doesn’t work out, but remaining in a non-marital relationship is not as financially impactful.


Anonymous said...

More often than not, in this day and time I've also heard these and other reasons why men prefer NOT to marry. Many of the men that gave me these reasons did not see positive loving relationships or they were hurt deeply in a past relationship.And then there are those who grew up in a home where both parents truly adored each other,no history of divorce or abuse or whatever, and because of the times and experience they feel this way. My heart goes out to those who have skewed views about about marriage because they refuse to be healed,yet at the same time I appreciate the fact that they are not rushing into marriage and hurting themselves and their spouses in the long run. I don't agree with their reasons, and because some of those jokers are homeboys,we agreed to disagree.(LOL)Anyhow, what really tripped me out was the fact that many of them are not up front with the women they meet on their position about dating/courting/marriage. They still play the game of being really interested or in an exclusive relationship,but when marriage comes up, Adios to that sistah. Unfortunately, there are plenty of folks(men & women) stuck on "loosing half ". The Word says in Mark 11 "'ll have what you say..", and remember life AND death is in the power of the tongue. Unless healing and true surrender to the Lord takes place we'll have these and other reasons why it's best to not marry. With hardened hearts or twisted views, one can never see the beauty of covenant,divine,exclusive,solid relationship. And who knows, if my homies do receive healing from the past,they might still prefer to remain single. That's okay,just remain single for the right reasons. KG

Anonymous said...

Wow! I really have no idea what to say. As a woman that believes she will marry one day this revelation of the way a guy thinks is disheartning. How do you recognize these guys when they come around. I'm not sacrificing my virture for any man other than my husband. I now feel even more lost.