Thursday, September 18, 2008

Changed or Suppressed???

Sorry for the delay in posting. I am currently out of town on business and having a terrible time blogging from my Blackberry.

I have a friend who was involved with a young lady for over 2 years and he became fed up with her inability to change in certain areas, jealousy and attitude. After several attempts at trying to work through the situation, he decided that it was best for them to go their separate ways.

(Fast forward 6 months...)

He and the young lady are back laying a foundation on which to build relationally. He told me that she has changed significantly in the two areas he once had a problem with. His question to me is, "Should I trust that she's truly changed in these two areas? Or is she suppressing her real feelings and emotions in order to get me back?"

What are your thoughts? How can you identify true change?


Anonymous said...

I'm really skeptical. Her true colors were on display while she was comfortable in the relationship. I don't believe he is setting himself up for success. I think he wants to believe that she has changed. Those two particular areas are pretty serious. She needs to deal with her issues before he thinks he can add the responsibility of a foundational relationship.

Anonymous said...

i want to add that time will identify true change. keep eyes open and be prayed up. God will reveal His will if you are listening to His whisper.