Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Will He Find? by Kimberly Bradford

“He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord” Proverbs 18:22 NIV

Over the past few months in several of my social circles I’ve listened to women many of whom are single, talk about their dating experiences and or marriage plans. Across the board these women would be considered successful in their various fields and possess qualities that they believe qualify them as wife material but struggled in their romantic lives. Upon further conversation in group and/or personal settings, I found that some of my sisters in Christ continually struggle with this issue and it forced me to delve deep into my own personal situation to see what really lies beneath the surface. Everybody can recite verbatim Proverbs 18:22 but when it comes to really understanding that verse and the following passages in Proverbs, paying close attention to Proverbs 31, it shed some light on a very personal issue.

When you’re past a certain age and you’re single people love to ask the question, “Why aren’t you married?” The answers can be as profound as a dissertation, as complex as a finite problem, or as simple as “I don’t know.” Personally, my answer is both complex and simple: Until recently, I just wasn’t ready. Some would quickly add the rebuttal “It just isn’t your time.” Now that sounds good and sweet but really, there is some personal accountability that has to be recognized. So I asked myself one simple question: What will he find?

The bible says that a virtuous woman is one that: Her husband can trust, she will do him good and not evil, works well with her hands, she rises early, gives food to her household and to her maidens, is enterprising, industrious, her speech reveals her heart, watches over her household and is not idle etc. When I read that and looked at myself, I realized I had some changes to make.

How could I possibly think I was ready to submit to a husband when I hadn’t totally submitted to God? I could not be considered a virtuous woman if I told half truths that equaled whole lies looking to please instead of being honest. Have I been financially responsible? If I couldn’t let go of the past in order to trust him, how could I ever expect him to trust me? These are just a few of the questions that I asked myself and it wasn’t until I became brutally honest that I began to make progress.

Patience is a virtue and I as I patiently wait to be found I understand that this isn’t a season of idleness. I’m constantly working, making sure that I meditate daily and spend time alone with God for guidance and wisdom. With that, I’m spending time with Him so I’ll know how to treat “him.” I have to be prepared mentally, physically and spiritually for what’s to come and we all know that if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.

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