Thursday, October 15, 2009

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable by Paul Wilson, Jr.

Sometimes the things that feel safest are the most limiting and debilitating as it relates to fulfilling your potential. Your comfort zone can actually become a cage that keeps you from flying and flourishing.

What’s interesting is that most people who never venture outside of their comfort zones always have this “what if” in the back of their minds. They constantly wonder what more could they be doing with their lives if they would just be willing to take a risk.

Faith doesn’t require you to be comfortable with your decision before you exercise it. Faith is your active participation as a confident demonstration of divine expectations. So whether you’re comfortable or not, stepping outside your comfort zone to do things that are unfamiliar yet beneficial shows God that you trust Him more than yourself.

Here are a couple nuggets to help you get more comfortable with being uncomfortable:
 You will stay stuck if you never challenge the boundaries of your comfort zone.
 Opportunities for greatness are not going to present themselves inside your comfort zone.
 You can’t flow in your gifts if you’re not willing to jump in the currents of obstacles and opportunity.
 If you’re afraid of criticism, get over it. Whether or not you’re doing anything, you will still get criticized.
 Don’t wait until you feel like doing something to act on it. Act your way into feeling, because opportunities will pass you by if you only act based on how you feel.

Growth happens outside your comfort zone not inside. If you want to grow your impact, influence, and affluence you must continually challenge yourself. What’s neat is that as you continually challenge yourself in new ways, your fear shrinks and your tolerance for new experiences swells. Your comfort zone increases.
Don’t wait for opportunity to knock on your door. Go knock down the door of opportunity. Don’t die with regrets for what you didn’t do that you could have done. And don’t live with regrets, envying others who are doing what you could be doing.
It’s time to jump. You are either going to fly or He’s going to catch up. No matter what, it’s all good!

Dream B.I.G.,
Paul Wilson, Jr.

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