Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dear God's Good Girls

I am writing this brief blog to the many women who are trying to do things ‘right’ according to God’s Word. I know I am NOT a woman and I definitely enjoy my masculinity, but I do recognize your current frustration in today’s environment of male-female relationships. Just so we are clear as to what my definition of doing ‘right’ is, allow me to further explain. Here are the characteristics of how a God good girl should operate based on MY interpretation of God’s Word.

1. God’s Good Girl has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of her life. (1 John 5:12-13)
2. God’s Good Girl serves faithfully in ministry and enjoys doing God’s work. (1 Cor. 7:32)
3. God’s Good Girl is actively working to improve herself in ALL areas of life in preparation for the mate God has for her (i.e. spiritually, financially, socially, professionally, mentally and emotionally). ( Proverbs 31)
4. God’s Good Girl has forgiven all of her ex-boyfriends for their relationship failures and has purged all hurts. This includes acknowledging your contribution to the demise of the relationship. (Matthew 18:21-22)
5. God’s Good Girl recognizes that her body is a temple and protects (doesn’t give it away sexually), adorns (dresses respectfully) and preserves it (exercises). (1 Cor. 6:18-20)

Many of my Christian sisters are dedicated and consistently operate according to the principles outlined above. I also want to emphasize that nowhere did I mention that you have to be perfect so don’t place too much pressure on yourself to do so. As we see in Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” This includes the many pastors, preachers, evangelists and prophets who act as if they have the ability to walk on water.

If you fall in the God’s Good Girl category and consistently find yourself frustrated because you still encounter relationship challenges, I say do not let your faith waiver. I say to remain focused on the ‘main thing’ (salvation and Christian living) and allow God to orchestrate the rest. Believe me…I know this is easier said than done. Especially, as you watch those around you who operate in a less than godly manner continue to get married. Is there something wrong with you? Should you simply give up on the lifestyle you’ve chosen to live and go back to ‘dating as usual’? It depends…

There are a lot of people who are married, but not necessarily happily married. Don’t allow your temporary seasons of loneliness cause you to make a decision that will make your life miserable. We often get caught-up in the celebration of two people coming together, but rarely share in their misery of a bad mate choice until the relationship is virtually over. You’d rather continue persevering with expectancy in the God Who is able to meet your desires, than to give up and rely on yourself to make a flesh-led decision that may lead to further misery. What about the guys who don’t want to live with your decision to be celibate? The reality is many guys won’t necessarily embrace the idea (this isn’t the traditional minister answer). You have to make the decision whether you are open to giving someone access to something they don’t have a license to operate. A LOT OF WOMEN AND MEN DO! The problem is the attachment and bond that is formed through the sexual act and the inability to see clearly after the act is completed. I DO NOT recommend you eliminate a man just because he makes an advance at you. I DO recommend that you better manage your boundaries so you don’t find yourselves in situations where you have to deal with those advances.

If you’ve made the decision to follow God and His directives expecting things to operate in your timing, then you’re setting yourself up for failure. Everyone I’ve known that has tried to walk in alignment with God’s principle have all reached a point along the journey where they became a little frustrated and began to petition God for direction. However, they remained fully engaged in ministry and God placed someone in their path who they ultimately grew to love.

I know the journey can be somewhat lonely and another “Keep the faith,” “Keep hope alive,” and “God has someone perfect for you” proclamation from a preacher may not do the trick. Just remember…there are some God’s Good Guys out there who are going through a similar journey as you in their quest for relational happiness. The prayer is for God to continue preparing His Good Girls and Good Guys and allowing them to cross each others’ paths. As an unmarried man, I share in the same challenges as you to manage my fleshly desires while pursuing after God’s righteousness. It’s not easy and was never meant to be after the fall of man, but that is what will make each of us appreciate the treasure at the end of the journey.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All relationships have their ups and downs, but the key to overcoming them is long-term compatibility. I've read lots of articles and books on compatibility, and the best is Hayden Dane's short e-book available at In his book, Dane describes a conversation to have with your boyfriend or girlfriend to get the information you need to determine if you are truly compatible. I use this conversation now so I don't suffer the heartache of breakups later.