Friday, May 15, 2009

Unequally Yoked - Who's In Your Fave 5?

I can say with absolute certainty that most people within the sound of my literary voice are connected to some folks who are detrimental to their growth and development. To be unequally yoked means to be connected or tied to someone who does not have the same beliefs, desires and/or goals as you. Many misinterpret this idea as only being relevant to marriage relationships. However, this idea of being unequally yoked applies to marriage relationships, business partnerships, family relationships as well as personal friendships.

Why is it important to avoid being unequally yoked to others in your life?

1. It Provides A False Positive - Do people keep disappointing you? It could be because you are trying to find comfort in associations that seem good externally, but they are destructive and counter-productive to you internally and emotionally. You will recognize false-positive individuals because they make you feel good, but their motives aren’t beneficial to your overall well-being. Release yourself from individuals who talk a good game, but never bring fulfillment to their many promises. Make sure you have at least one ‘true positive’ influence in your Fav 5.

2. It Promotes Fatigue In Your Life - Do you feel tired? It could be because you are tired from carrying too many people in your life. In order to maintain a positive energy, you need people in your life that will encourage you. God designed us all to operate most effectively when we have sails in our inner circle and not anchors. People who are unequally yoked will cause you unnecessary emotional fatigue and work to drive you crazy (family members included). No wonder many of you are constantly are being worn out from carrying everyone around you. Release the dead weight from your inner circle and ensure you keep some ‘sails’ as part of your Fave 5.

3. It Prohibits You From Reaching Your Potential - Are you wondering why you are still at the same place in life? It could be because you are surrounded by people who are complacent and their mindset has rubbed off on you. It is no coincidence that birds of a feather typically flock together. Your goal should be to surround yourself with individuals who are continually trying to better themselves. Wouldn’t it be a tragedy for you to never reach your potential because of the company you keep? Realign the people in your life so you can reach the aspirations that are waiting to be birthed from inside of you. It is a must to replace ‘stinking thinking’ individuals with those aspiring to reach higher heights. You definitely need people who are above your current level of aspirations in your Fave 5. They will keep you working to achieve more in your life.

When you allow yourself to be unequally yoked to those who don’t add value, you receive false positives, you experience fatigue in your life and your life potential is stunted. Why allow yourself to go through this when you have the ability to change and control your associations?

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Cynt said...

Awesome blog...

Authentic relationships are the key for me!!

Torrie said...

All I can say is wow, Information and knowledge shared among friends is so important. Wisdom would learn can come from others experience, so we are selfs do not have to.

Keonda aka 513 said...

I Corinthians 15:33 says in the Amplified Bible, “Do not be so deceived and misled! Evil companionships (communion, associations) corrupt and deprave good manners and morals and character.” We should be careful of the company we keep.

Sometimes this is a little harder when you can’t exactly pick the company you keep, like on your job. But it’s important that whatever group you find yourself around, your not compromising your morals or characters.

Another scripture I love that kind of goes with this is 1 John 4 in the A clause which says “Beloved, do not put faith in every spirit, but prove (test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God;” (Amplified Bible). Before you take the action to “yoke up” with someone, you better test the spirit by the Spirit!

~Stay Blessed