Monday, December 7, 2009

Flushing Out My Bowels

This blog entry is nothing more than me forcing myself to sit down and unblock the literary constipation I am currently experiencing. Thinking back to a sermon my pastor preached a couple of years ago, I am a victim of ‘Bound Literary Bowels.’ I find myself getting caught-up in the haste of life that I don’t take time out to do some of the things I once found to be therapeutic.

I continuously have a lot going on in my and it seems like there is never enough time in the day to address the many to-do’s that await me upon waking up each morning. I know God is trying to birth something BIG in my life and it’s simply a matter of allowing the seed to make it full-term. Will you please pray for me?

I am constantly asked when I plan on launching my book and that’s a very good question. I find myself crafting bits and pieces, but waiting for the entire picture and framework to be revealed. Until then…I’ll keep jotting down the bits and pieces in hopes of finally achieving a great work. Will you please pray for me?

I am also working on a small group idea to address the frustrations and hurdles single Christian men face. For some reason no one regularly addresses the complications experienced by men who really want to do the right things in their Christian walk. God give me wisdom to share my struggles and experiences. Will you please pray for me?

I’d like to share the journey I’m on relationally, but that chapter would be quite uneventful right now. LOL. Will you please pray for me?
Lord I know there are some things You want to do in and through me. Please remove any obstacles that are hindering from me from reaching the goals and destiny You have outlined for my life. In Jesus’ name…Amen!


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1 comment:

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