Friday, March 13, 2009

Losing in order to gain…. by Kimberly Bradford

Growing up did you ever have something that was a favorite of yours? Maybe it was a hat, toy, or stuffed animal. For me it was a baby blanket with little bears on it. Man, I loved that blanket! It was just the right size, it wasn’t heavy or too light I mean it was the best blanket in the world to me and I wanted to carry it everywhere. As I began to grow, my mother would take the blanket and hide it because as a parent, she knew I was outgrowing it. More importantly there would come a time when carrying a blanket would be out of place. Being a curious child, it seemed like I would always find it until one day it was finally gone forever and I was distraught because that was my blanket, how dare she take it away! See growing up that blanket was my sense of security, it was safe and it was what I thought I needed to make it.

Now that I’m a grown woman, I’m going through the difficult understanding that God is doing now what my mother did back then – He’s taking some things away from me in order for me to grow and walk into my destiny. The past month I’ve wrestled with this issue because I could only see what I was on the verge of losing, totally oblivious to what I stood in place to gain if I could only let go.

Quite often we think of losing in a negative way but there are instances where losing can actually set you up for a win. For example, a person who has lost their job may not see the blessing at the time, but maybe it happened because God, knowing the desires of your heart, knew you were wasting away at a dead end job. Just maybe losing your job was the push you needed to finally do what you really love.

It’s real easy to hold onto what’s comfortable and sometimes we even hold onto to things that aren’t so comfortable because in our minds at least we know what we have, or so we think. What is it in your life that you could stand to lose? Do you need to let go of a dead relationship in order to gain the love that you desire and one God has ordained? Maybe it’s time to stop trying to “make sense of it all” and remember what Isaiah 55:8 says: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”

The challenge in all of us is to dig deep and really recognize what’s holding us back. Why aren’t you living up to your great expectation? Who or what is keeping you from your victory? Whatever the case may be in your life always remember, although letting go may be a painful process, it’s necessary and for your own good.

Blessings to all…

Kimberly Bradford

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