Friday, January 9, 2009

Relationships - Greenhouses and Cheerleaders?

Recently I posted a message on my Facebook page that stated women should be like cheerleaders and men should be like greenhouses. Let me now explain this statement further.

I recently had an opportunity to hear a message by Jimmie Evans ( who was discussing marriage and healthy roles for each spouse to play. The role associations given for success in marriage were that of a greenhouse and cheerleader. Initially this statement caused some confusion, but let’s explore in detail. The following is based on my interpretation on what was shared during Jimmie Evans’ message.

A greenhouse is a structure that provides a controlled atmosphere, gives shelter against outside elements and transmits a proper amount of sun and nutrients conducive for growth and bearing of fruit. Likewise, a man or husband should always provide a controlled atmosphere for a relationship because he has the ability to calm down situations that cause anxiety, and inject optimism into situations that seem challenging. Reflecting on my childhood, I always remember my father being the thermostat in our household. My mother, brother and I could be in the best of moods. However, if my father was upset when he got home from work, all of our moods were altered because of his lead. Conversely, my father also had the ability to bring happiness into an environment that seemed depressing or sad. A man should also serve as protection for his wife and family against outside influences and opposition. No matter what others are saying or what is taking place at school, a wife and children should always feel like the husband/father will protect or take up for them. Correction for inappropriate behavior or improper decisions may take place in the background, but no one outside of the immediate family should be able to attack (physically or verbally) a member of a man’s family without a fight (not literally). Finally, a man must provide proper nutrients and sunlight conducive to bearing fruit. This speaks specifically to a man’s ability to sow seeds into his family. If a man desires his family to grow and prosper, then he should sow continuous seeds of 1) Fear of God, 2) love, 3) integrity, 4) discipline and 5) wisdom.

As the helpmeet of a man, a woman in a successful marriage is called to be like a cheerleader. In a society where the pressure to protect and provide traditionally falls on the shoulders of men, a helpmeet should always be willing to cheer her man on to victory. All the independent women may interject at this point to offer a point of interest about their ability to provide for the family too. I do not object to this point because many of today’s women are able to contribute to the household needs. However, most men do not marry solely because a woman is able to contribute financially. Most men marry because they find a woman who they believe supports them wholeheartedly and encourages them to accomplish great things. A woman’s role is characterized with being a cheerleader because cheerleaders cheer no matter what is taking place during a sporting event. It’s amazing that when my Ohio State Buckeyes were losing in their football bowl game, you could still see the cheerleaders cheering even though the losing outcome had already been decided. Cheerleaders are charged to provide motivation when times get tough and the team feels like quitting. Cheerleaders celebrate when successes and victories occur, but also provide encouragement when things seem a little bleak. Likewise, women should do the same in the lives their men. Men are programmed to accomplish things and pursue goals and victories. Men need a source of encouragement when life doesn’t seem to be working out for them. Unfortunately, modern-day relationships have transitioned from being a support network to being a battle for position and attention. One of my buddies suggested that I blog one day about ways to determine if you are a helpmeet or a hindrance meet.

The truth is, a woman’s financial contributions are not enough to offset internal relationship discord. However, a woman’s support and encouragement is enough to persevere through times when relationships endure challenges. The last place a man wants to encounter opposition is at home. Likewise, the last thing a woman wants is a man who doesn’t protect and provide for her needs.
Men, work toward becoming awesome greenhouses and ladies, work toward becoming the best cheerleaders you can be. It’s an awesome result when the two roles come together as one!

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Anonymous said...

wow....i'm pretty much in the "zone" with this one....

Anonymous said...'s not often that I am at a "loss for words", but now that I am out of the zone, I can communicate what I want to say :)

This is an outstanding display of linking a greenhouse and a cheerleader to a biblical principle. In my opinion, it epitomizes what God's design for a christian marriages is all about. Just as Christ is the head of the church, the husband is the head of the household. It not only brought me back to my upbringing, but also what I witnessed in my grandparents as well.

Total props to ya' KP!!

Anonymous said...

Kp that was one of the finer blog entries ive ever read in my life. Very informative and no one should have anything to argue or disagree about with you on this one. The point you made about a cheerleader cheering even while their team is down was extremly profound. If there is one thing I desire from a woman it is that should is a source of encouragement in my life and not discouragement. Ladies leard to be your mans biggest fan....HE WILL LOVE YOU FOR IT

Anonymous said...

(Excuse the typos on the previous post)Kp that was one of the finer blog entries ive ever read in my life. Very informative and no one should have anything to argue or disagree about with you on this one. The point you made about a cheerleader cheering even while their team is down was extremly profound. If there is one thing I desire from a woman it is that she is a source of encouragement in my life and not discouragement. Ladies learn to be your mans biggest fan....HE WILL LOVE YOU FOR IT

Unknown said...

what an awesome interpretation. and i totally agree. we need to be more like cheerleaders and let a man, be a man!

Anonymous said...

This is really beautiful.....I love the way you put it all together.

I do have one thing to add for the cheerleaders, not only do they give motivation to their husband, but they encourage those close to them to keep rooting(praying) for their success. They aide in bringing all the fans(family members who suupport them and love them) together.


Your Best SisterFriend said...

Well Said KP!! Wow..this puts it into perspective!!