Monday, January 21, 2008

Which Man Are You? (part 2)

Thanks for joining me for part 2 of ‘Which Man Are You?’ As promised, I will conclude the categorical analysis that I started last week. To recap, we previously took a look at Mr. ‘Insecure,’ Mr. ‘Good Guy,’ Mr. ‘Bag Man’ and Mr. ‘Superficial’. For additional information on the aforementioned groups, please refer to my previous post.

As with the previous descriptions, men may fall into one or more of these categories and transition in and out based on various seasons in their lives. To be honest, I have found myself as Mr. ‘Insecure’, Mr. ‘Good Guy’ and Mr. ‘Bag Man’ at various points in my life. However, my relationship with God has given me the courage to acknowledge and address my shortcomings. Without further delay, let’s look at the final four categories:

5. Mr. ‘Wolf in Sheep Clothing’ – I don’t want to give too much airtime to this group of individuals because it sickens me to think that this group exists in very large numbers. This individual presents himself as one of pure motives and exudes the confidence and interest that most women desire. However, upon further review, exploration and after a period of time, the truth about a wife or other lie finally comes to the surface. Why do you hide significant details about your relational status and life when you know that someone is going to get hurt in the end? Is it the thrill of adventure? Is it the desire to continuously upgrade? Remember that everything done in the dark eventually comes to light. If you struggle in this area, pray to God to establish order and commitment in your life. Families and relationships are being destroyed everyday and we need honesty and commitment to reappear as cornerstones in relationships.

6. Mr. ‘Fear of Commitment’ – Most men today find themselves in this category during the explorative phase in their lives. This individual gets enjoyment by being connected to women, but not being committed to them. I was one of the best at leading women down the ambiguous path of a relationship in search of something that would probably never appear. This individual finds fulfillment in building a ‘perfect’ woman through qualities of several different women in his life. It is an awesome fantasy to take bits and pieces of each person, and utilize the pieces to build what you view as a ‘perfect’ mate. The detriment to this approach is that you cater to a mentality that promotes perfection when individual perfection does not exist. In the process of creating mental perfection, you destroy the reality of what makes up our humanity. You typically find yourself in long drawn-out relationships that never make it past the boyfriend/girlfriend phase. You find yourself continuing to go out partying and being a social butterfly even though you have a ‘girlfriend’. You get really agitated and upset whenever the subject of relational permanency is initiated by your ‘girlfriend.’ In the end, Mr. ‘Fear of Commitment’ loves being associated with relationships, but you can never make-up your mind.

7. Mr. ‘Overconfident’ – If you specialize in telling others about yourself, then this is your category. Ever since you were born the world revolved around you. You got it going on, have the nice-paying corporate job or own your own successful business and have your pick of any woman (according to your own perception). Unfortunately, you never get a chance to acknowledge the value others can add to your life because you are only concerned about yourself and what others can do for you. There is nothing wrong with having a general level of overall confidence, but the problem occurs when you exceed the accepted level. You operate with sort of a barterer’s mentality, flashing material items and connections for the sole purpose of impressing and receiving from others. The unique thing about being Mr. ‘Overconfident’ is you probably don’t recognize it! Women are speaking negatively behind your back to others and you have no idea this opinion exists about you. If you have a hunch that this might be you, please consult a close female friend who will offer an unbiased response to your question. The good thing about being Mr. ‘Overconfident’ is that you only have to tone down your self-promotion a notch in order to cross back over to an attractive level of confidence.

8. Mr. ‘Good Catch’ – This is the man most women dream about, but have so much trouble recognizing because of the other men who co-exist. You are the one created by God and you are connected through a relationship with Him. You possess an unquenchable fire and passion to progress in life. Remaining stagnant in life is NOT an option. You continue the chivalrous gestures that once upon a time defined a true man. You set yourself apart with your patience and respect for women and others you come across. Your professions vary, but you are willing to work in order to provide for your family. You may be an attorney, a doctor, a salesman, teacher or truck driver. What matters most is that you understand your TRUE responsibility as a priest, provider, protector, comforter and/or father (if desired). Not only do you understand your responsibility, you VALUE this responsibility with open arms. Sisters dream about and yearn for your powerful presence and authoritative nature. You recognize your individual shortcomings and are willing to address them without shame. You are not afraid to express emotions when things have you down. REAL MEN DO CRY!

Please return on Thursday for the next relationship nugget to add to your collection. Please subscribe to my blog to receive notification when future Chat Kafe entries are posted. The subscribe section is at the very bottom of my blog page.


First Lady said...

Thank you for the balance that you are using in dealing with relationship issues. Most of the time, these conversations are one-sided. I appreciate you being sensitive to both sides...I suppose that may be what makes you the relationship expert! Blessings, FL.

Kenny Pugh (aka KP) said...


Thank you for your support in reading my blog. I appreciate confirmation for my entries because I want to make sure I remain relevant and on-time :).

Anonymous said...

Minister Pugh,

Interesting! Yet again I enjoyed the writing. Funny, I was just talking about the characteristics of Mr. 'Fear of Commitment' today concerning the "perfect woman" and I am relieved and excited to know that their is someone out there who has a similiar viewpoint.

Mr. 'Overconfident' - well that was just plain funny yet very true.

God has given you a gift. Please continue to use it according to his will!

Anonymous said...

hey kp
nice job..and well written..appreciate the time you clearly put into this

so what's a young lady to do when mr. insecure, mr. overconfident, mr. FOC, mr. good guy, or any of the other misters you named.. wanna come back into ms.the one's life and present himself as her mr. good catch?
perhaps we know that not once mr.overconfident..always mr.overconfident...but maya angelou states..when "someone shows you who they are the first time... believe them"
so how does this young lady reconcile her past experience with mr. fill-in-the blank and maya's advice with the real possiblity that after time perhaps he could have grown to become her mr. good catch?

Anonymous said...

Minister Pugh,

I have thought about one comment you made under "Mr. Good Catch" and I am not in total agreement. I guess what I mean is that I agree but to a certain extent. Your comment was the very first sentence. "This is the man most women dream about, but have so much trouble recognizing because of other men who coexist." My thought is with most of these categories these men(some men) have no problem approaching women because for every no they get someone will say yes and I will not say that it does not matter if they get a no but if they do get a no it is not that detrimental because there is no emotional/spiritual/or accountable investment. However, with Mr. Good Catch this is the one that it matters if a particular woman who has caught his interest says yes or no. Therefore, he is a little more cautious and slower to approach because he wants to know this woman is worth her weight in gold and that she will receive what it is he is trying to say. So there is some type of emotional/spiritual/or accountable investment.

I said all that to say...If this man is slower, more cautious and a woman's response to him matters then how can a woman recognize his presence? It is my thought she won't until he makes his intentions as clear as the other men.

With all that said yes as a woman I will admit we can sometimes get in our on way and can not see the gold for all the glitter but on the flip side how can we see the gold without it shining through all the glitter? (if that makes any sense)

Thank you Minister Pugh for allowing God to work through you to give singles a place to think or more appropriately write out loud! Thank you again!

Kenny Pugh (aka KP) said...

Well...'The One' needs to rely on spiritual discernment to direct her in making a decision. More than likely, unless a man has turned his life over to Christ, he will remain the same person you dealt with in the past. However, he may be a little more refined in his appearance. Time and God reveal all things. Give him 90-120 days to demonstrate his 'real' behavior and the answer you seek will be revealed. Men have a hard time faking who they are for more than 90 days :).

Kenny Pugh (aka KP) said...

I somewhat agree with your point. However, a man who is reserved in his approach is trying to be more strategic. If a man approaches a woman with a tactic that seems overly casual, then my advice is to beware! A woman can truly tell if a man is interested by his demeanor and behavior while he’s in her presence. Men get a little antsy / nervous around women they truly have an interest in. The men who operate in arrogance are the men women need to pay special attention to. A man who truly recognizes a woman’s value will treat her with special attention and find non-traditional ways to communicate his interest. A mistake that women typically make is ASSUMING a man’s interest. When men are interested…they WILL let you know :).

Anonymous said...

Minister Pugh,
All can do is good u high -five for the terrific work you are putting into this blog. I recpgnize who I am from the catagories you presented and I will keep in mind to check myself everyday and night for the other ones that might exist inside of me without me noticing them.
As for how women view me is up for discussion but one thing for sure is I most certainly fall under the Mr. Good Catch becuz this is the person who I strive to be and with the Lord's help I shall reach my goal.
Thanks for the intraspective look to see where I am at in my life..
God bless