Thursday, January 24, 2008

Relationship Tip of the Week - 1/24/2008

Many of you confuse the end of a relationship with failure. Closure in your relationships DOES NOT mean failure! Closure in your relationships actually exemplifies victory and frees you up for what God truly has for you. Remaining in relationships that don’t add value or bring joy to your life is the manifested definition of failure. This is not limited to intimate relationships, but can also be applied to family and workplace relationships. God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the 'relationship tip'. I wanted to highlight something you said, "Closure in your relationships actually exemplifies victory"...

I wanted to highlight that statement because it is the key component to this blog. CLOSURE, being the operative word, is what brings about that victory. Unfortunately ending a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean that there is closure. Many times people end relationships as a result of a 'not so good event' and they never revisit the situation to acknowledge AND accept why the breakup happened.

People are often in relationships for the wrong reasons and are seeking fulfillment from their partners – masking whatever emptiness they feel (I know because I’ve been there and witness many others do that). Some may even go so far as to say that their ex never gave them closure… That in itself is a clear indication that a person is nowhere near closure, and still looking for someone to 'provide'. However, people find it easier to displace their emptiness with blame, a new relationship, over-eating, over-working, pretty much anything that will mask the reality – that cycle inhibits closure.

Until people end toxic relationships and subsequently obtaining closure by growing INDIVIDUALLY IN Christ, they will not be victorious.

Trini Afrodite