Thursday, June 18, 2009

Powered by Purpose by Paul Wilson, Jr.

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

If you remember, this was a line from Uncle Ben in the movie Spider-Man as he was attempting to give some advice to Peter Parker. Peter initially rejected the advice, but later came to understand and embrace the significance of that profound statement in terms of how he should use his superhero powers.

Although you may not have superhero powers, there is great personal power in knowing your purpose. Upon recognizing his/her purpose, a person is empowered to live a life of meaning, significance, and fulfillment. However, knowing your purpose is not a license to live however you desire. It’s actually the opposite.

In Luke 12:48 Jesus said it like this, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."

You may not have thought of your purpose in these terms. But knowing your purpose is an incredible gift. It’s up to you how you will treat this gift – carefully or carelessly.

Be careful what you ask for…

Most people go through life with an intense desire to understand and pursue their purpose. This is both natural and understandable. I wonder though how often people think about the responsibilities that are attached to knowing their purpose. The thing is once your purpose has been revealed to you, you are then challenged and obliged to fully pursue it. There are no “opt-out” provisions or “do-not-call” lists.

Someone desiring to know their purpose and then not wanting to fulfill the responsibilities that come with it would be similar to being given a child, but not wanting to nurture, protect, and provide for that child. Expectations and responsibilities are inseparable from being a parent, just like expectations and responsibilities are inseparable from knowing your purpose.

Ignorance is not an excuse…

You might be saying, “On second thought, I would rather not know my purpose.” Well, just because you don’t want to know your purpose or aren’t actively pursuing it, doesn’t get you off the hook. God gives life to purpose and gives purpose to every life. So even if you don’t admit to wanting to know your purpose, God still has expectations for your life.

With purpose comes accountability to pursue and complete the earthly assignment that you have been assigned. Don’t let this frighten or discourage you. Since God gave you a purpose, He also gave you the means to accomplish His purpose for your life (Ephesians 1:18-19).

Embrace your purpose and engage His power, so you can experience His promises!

Dream B.I.G.,
Paul Wilson, Jr.

When God puts a dream in your heart it is His will, desire and expectation that you fulfill it. Get your copy of Dream B.I.G. in 3D: How to Pursue a Bold, Innovative, God-Inspired Life! at

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