Thursday, June 25, 2009

Passion to Die For by Paul Wilson, Jr.

When I look at all uprising and chaos happening in Iran right now, I feel appalled, saddened, helpless, and challenged all at the same time. It’s somewhat frightening but also inspiring to see so many people fighting against what many would call a hopeless battle against a tyrannical oppressive regime.

Seeing the videos and pictures and hearing all the stories of so many young people intentionally putting themselves in harm’s way for what they believe in forces me to ask myself:

“What do I believe in so much that I’m REALLY willing to die for it?”

Some people get scared when I ask are they willing to die for what they believe in. The truth is dying for what you believe in has many different aspects to it. Death involves sacrifice. While the sacrifice could be your life, it could also mean sacrificing your personal comfort or convenience, recreational time, material possessions, frivolous desires, or ambitious pursuits. Your level of commitment to die for something comes down to how passionate you are about living for it.

Passion is such an overused term these days. One of the most common definitions of passion is “excitement or enthusiasm for something.” Unfortunately people’s use of this definition is often directed toward activities or interests that have minimal long-term significance.

“How passionate are you - REALLY?”

When I think about true passion, I believe it goes much further than just excitement or enthusiasm. I see passion as an intense desire, deep commitment, and persistent perseverance to see something all the way through to its end – no matter the cost. This definitely describes what we’re seeing in Iran. I dare say that most people’s “passions” barely reach the level of the young martyrs over there.

Since I presented an enhanced definition of passion, here’s some critical questions related to discovering what your true passion(s) might be. Consider your answers in the context of your family, community, nation, or world:
 What issues motivate you to take action?
 What concerns or irritates you that you would like to change?
 What problem in the world would you like to help solve?
 How do you want to make an impact with your life?
 What keeps you awake at night?
 What are you willing to suffer or die for?
 What group of people do you carry a burden for?

Just like the images coming out of Tehran have challenged me to make a deeper commitment to the things I say I’m passionate about, I am challenging you also to take your passion to another level. One key aspect of living a thriving life is that when you have found something to die for, it’s easy to live for it.

Dream B.I.G.,
Paul Wilson, Jr.

Need help discovering your passion? Get your copy of Dream B.I.G. in 3D: How to Pursue a Bold, Innovative, God-Inspired Life! at

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