Sunday, December 30, 2007

Unequally Yoked - Are you connected to the wrong people?

I can say with assurance that most everyone within the sound of my voice is connected to some folks that are detrimental to your growth and development. To be unequally yoked means to be connected or tied to someone who does not have the same beliefs, desires and/or goals as you. Many misinterpret this idea as only being relevant to marriage relationships. However, this idea of being unequally yoked applies to marriage relationships, business partnership, as well as friendships. Why is it important to avoid being unequally yoked to others in your life?

1. It Provides a False Positive- Meaning…that you find comfort in associations that seem good externally, but are destructive to you internally.
- You connect to people that make you feel, but are not good for you
- You connect to those who talk a good game, but never seem to progress towards their verbal promises

2. It Promotes Fatigue in Your Life-Meaning…that you are tired from carrying too many people in your life.
- We are designed to operate with sails in our lives…not anchors
- People who are unequally yoked will cause you emotional fatigue (no wonder many of you are constantly tired…you are being worn out from carrying those around you)

3. It Prohibits You From Reaching Your Potential
- There is no coincidence that birds of a feather flock together
- Are you the most successful person in your circle? If so, then you need to identify some more people to associate with. Wouldn’t it be a tragedy for you to never reach your potential because of the company you keep
- Is your professional life stagnant? Find some folks who are trying to better themselves.
- Are your relationships failing? Could it be because you are settling and not connected to a person who is healthy for you?

When you allow yourself to be unequally yoked to those who don’t add value in your life, you receive false positives, you experience fatigue and your potential is stunted. Why allow yourself to go through this when you have the ability to change and control your associations?


TooBlessedToBeStressed said...

I've struggled to find a happy medium with people that are unequal to me. I've tried to explain my stance without sounding all "holier than thou" because I don't want to push people away from actually pursuing a relationship with God, but it's really hard. You get comments like "you think you're better than me", "i love the lord too, so just because i'm not spending all my time at church or doing church stuff doesn't mean i'm not a good person or a good christian", and "who are you to judge me? doesn't the bible say 'judge not, lest ye be judged'"?

I had to break it down to someone a few days ago that I Corinthians 5:9-13 says that we ARE to judge those inside the church that are sinning. If I know you're doing wrong and claim to be a Christian, although harsh, the Scriptures say to "remove the evil person from among you". This is because these 'Christians' attempt to rationalize their actions and doing so harms others and dims the IMAGE of God in himself/herself. You can't be a light to the world if you're bringing darkness with you. You still love this person if they're your flesh & blood and/or brother or sister in Christ, but it's hard to cut yourself off them. It's way easier said than done. I kinda feel that cutting them off doesn't allow me to show me the proper way. Two-edged sword . . .

Anonymous said...

I agree. Being unequally yoked is not limited to intimate relationships. Yvonne

Kenny Pugh (aka KP) said...

I feel you! Equally Yoked assessments need to be performed in all areas of life. Intimate, church, family and work relationships are all candidates for evaluation. Far too many people don't realize that they are surrounded by people who are unhealthy for spiritual growth!