Thursday, December 27, 2007

Does Flirting Help Relationships?

I came across an interesting article related to relationships and flirting. I'd love to get your thoughts on this particular article. I get the feeling that only those with low self-esteem or those seeking continuous validation can benefit from this. Those who are in a relationship and secure in who they are, will find this sort of behavior to be childlike and take offense to the silly games.

Here is the link


TooBlessedToBeStressed said...

Lol! This article is so bogus! Especially how it promotes flirting and then has the link at the bottom to help MEN dodge the homewrecking tempTRESS. after you've told them to all but make the object of flirtation fall in love with you (no matter how many times you claim you're married or in a relationship, constant flirting with some women can cause SOMEthing to develop), they tell you to run when it gets too deep. Why play games and cause drama? Not everyone is playing with a full deck. You may end up playing with the wrong one and getting someone, including yourself, hurt in the process.

When in my relationships of the past, I tried to refrain from doing anything I'd have a problem with him doing. We can usually dish it but can't take it. Some guys took my outgoing nature as flirtation or were probably just drawn to me ;) although they knew i was exclusively dating someone. I tried to refrain from saying anything negative about my ex because that added fuel to the fire. I also avoided any compromising gestures, actions, situations that would cause any normal person to assume anything was going on; i.e. no one was going to see me hugged up on some guy, all up in his face for an extended amount of time, or even doing subtle flirtation like touching an arm or leg here or there, etc. Some of y'all may think that's TOO cautious, but I tend to live by the mantra "treat others how I want to be treated". I wanted that same level of respect, so that's what I gave.

Kenny Pugh (aka KP) said...

I totally agree that you should refrain from doing things that you would dislike your significant other doing. Respect is a key component of a healthy relationship.

First Lady said...

hmmmm, this article is interesting. I agree with kp in that you get what you give off. In general, I operate with "if i don't want him to do it, i'm not going to be doing it." While it might not catch you every time....reaping and sowing is a divine law. So if you are disrespectful to someone you are with...even if not by that person, rest assured you WILL reap that disrespect somewhere else. I also think it helps to simply have dialogue with your sig. other about what your boundaries are in an exclusive relationship.