Friday, August 14, 2009

Battle Between Flesh and Spirit: My un-Confirmation of Singleness

This week has definitely been interesting for me. It’s been filled with sleepless nights, which have led me to tune my ears for what the Lord is trying to communicate to me. It has also been one of un-Confirming a gift of singleness over my life. I have been wrestling with the Lord over the past couple of years about my overall life purpose, and asked Him to confirm whether or not I should be focused on a life of singleness? Well…I have definitely received a un-Confirmation of Singleness over my life. I still have a high desire for sex! I still have a high desire for marriage! I still have a high desire to have kids! MY FLESH HAS BEEN TRYING TO CALL ME TO ACTION THIS WEEK!! Whew…I’m glad I got that off of my chest.

The ongoing battle between the flesh and spirit can be very intense and I’m here to testify that I’ve been in quite a battle this past week. Did I give way to my eye gate which allowed images to penetrate my mind? YES! Did I give way to my ear gate which allowed my mind to visualize some of the things that were going in? YES! Am I any less than a man for admitting some of my weaknesses? Absolutely not!

Some of the most highly influential and ‘God-focused’ men of biblical antiquity dealt with the same things that I am dealing with today. Praise be to God that I recognize that men’s lack of self-control, in addition to the lure of God’s beautifully crafted vessels (known as women), have served as a great formula for the downfall of many leaders. Otherwise, I’d probably give in to my fleshly desires and tell the critics around me to ‘KICK ROCKS!’ However, I’ve learned this is more than a battle between the flesh and the spirit, but one of ongoing processing in the life of one of God’s chosen vessels. The battle I deal with periodically is one that has a little to do with being a man, but is more of a penalty for experiencing sex outside of God’s original framework and plan.

What has this recent episode of being sex-starved taught me? Well…I need to get back in sync with the Word of God so that I’m able to keep withstanding the temptation of my flesh. I need to keep preaching against this battle, knowing that I must be on the right track since the enemy has turned his attention to me. Finally, I need to stop playing around in my single season and focus on pursuing a helpmeet that can help me transition into the next phase of my life :).

For those who know about the struggle, here are some verses to help you:
1 Corinthians 6:18 - Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.
1 Thessalonians 4:3 - It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;
1 Corinthians 7:2 - But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.
1 Corinthians 7:9 - but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
Hebrews 13:4 - Let marriage be held in honor...and let the bed be

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Torrie said...

Thank you so much for your honesty all the time KP. I am sure the journey and walk GOD has you on can be at moments hard. But, I know and believe you will walk in his will.

Talia said...

Kenny your transparency is so refreshing. Everyone always looks so clean and sometimes I feel so unworthy! I know I have been off and on going through the same struggle! Thank you for the scripture to fight the flesh!
I'm encoraged to keep fighting the good and excellent fight.

cynt said...

What a wonderful display of emotion toward the battle of the flesh which, at times, can just be down right unbearable. The Word of God certainly redirects the thoughts and puts one back in alignment. Continue to walk in obedience of your purpose as you seek God's will for your life. His blessing will make you a victor over the battle.

peculiar VIrtue said...

Be encouraged, brother! I'm a woman trying to 'embrace' my singleness, but I'm sure you realize that sisters endure the same struggles that come with celibacy. At the same time, we have to remind ourselves that anything worth having is worth waiting/struggling for--whether it be a soulmate, sex, or most importantly, fulfilling God's perfect will in our lives.

Thanks for sharing your testimony with the rest of us. Keep the insights coming!

Ed Houston said...

Powerful, thought provoking and very real. I appreciate the honest words, I can relate to what your saying as well, being a Christian single man. Thank God we are not alone and with God we will achieve greatness single or married. Keep doing what your doing. -Blessings